Laboratorio Italia is the n°8 of Italian Tech, insert of Repubblica, released on newsstands on 04/05/23. ​It is a commissioned project, realized for Contrasto Agency, which includes nine centers of Italian excellence that have been engaged in research and innovation for years. From north to south, we pass through the ALTEC (Turin), the Human Technopole (Milan), Elettra Sincrotrone (Trieste), the Italian Institute of Technology (Genoa), the CINECA (Bologna), the University and the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Pisa), the ENEA (Frascati) and the CMCC (Lecce).
It's a real laboratory that deals with fundamental scientific topics such as space exploration, study of DNA and RNA, social applications of photons, computational sciences, supercomputing for health and public administration, robotics and bioengineering, clean nuclear power and support for climate strategies. These scientific realities are committed to all possible applications in favor of the environment, the protection of health and the delicate relationship between man and territory. All this with a view to scientific, economic and social growth aimed to a better future.